
Il Luogo

W started in conjunction with Wanted, Intuizioni sul mondo in attesa che diventino una costruzione compiuta, a participatory project conceived in 2007 by Kinkaleri for the underpass of Piazza Maggiore, conceived in the frame Siemens Arts Program realised in cooperation with cultural association Xing for FIS Co.07. A light signal, featuring an upside down version of the lightbox placed at the entrance of the subway, indicated the entrance to the environment where meetings and live events took place for the festival, and evoked the idea of entering another dimension. Over the years, on the occasion of the following editions of the festival four more signals have been installed, drawing an imaginary underground line in the city, that seems a plausible presence in the urbanscape.




Via Guglielmo Marconi; Via Riva di Reno/Piazza Manfredi Azzarita, via Irnerio/Piazza VIII Agosto - 40121 Bologna (BO)


Pagina aggiornata il 06/02/2020