
The Venue

MAMbo – Museo d’Arte Moderna di Bologna has been housed in the building of the old Forno del pane (Bread bakery) since 2012, in the heart of the distretto culturale della Manifattura della Arti. This museum tells the history of Italian art from the second post-War period to the most recent, innovative and experimental art practices.
The old Forno del Pane also hosts the collection of the Museo Morandi, closely tied to the collections of the MAMbo and to the scheduled temporary exhibitions. Great importance is given to education as well as to exhibitions and events, to get the public closer to contemporary art. The Parco del Cavaticcio, not far from the MAMbo, is an open-air exhibition venue, where some of the sculptures included in the collections of the museum are displayed, and several events are hosted.


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Pagina aggiornata il 06/06/2018