
The Venue

Fondazione Lungarotti was founded in 1987 with the aim of promoting the study and knowledge about wine and oil culture. The Foundation organizes exhibitions, conferences and conventions, apart from managing both the MUVIT – Museo del Vino and the MOO – Museo dell’Olio.
The MUVIT displays a selection of works dedicated to this theme, from ancient to contemporary works. In the contemporary art section, there is a collection of engravings, including works by Pablo Picasso and Renato Guttuso.
In its contemporary art section, the MOO includes the works of artists that have been involved in the Olio e Luce exhibition since its opening. This is an event promoted by Fondazione Lungarotti, and inspired by the ancient custom of using oil as a source of light. In this section, there is a collection of works dedicated to the goddess Athena, and to the mythological origins of the plant, as well as a selection of works by Riccardo Biavati and Duilio Cambellotti.


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