
The Venue

Sipario is the name of the gate of the garden of Basilica of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme realised by Greek artist Jannis Kounellis. The work was supported by the association Amici di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, which in 2004 promoted the restoration of the garden by architect Paolo Pejrone. The work is made in wrought iron wire decorated with transparent colored glass and quartz stones, alluding to the richness of the fruits present in the garden. The gate opens like a curtain towards the vegetable garden. Passers-by can glimpse, through the tangle of lines, the ordered nature of the garden, enclosed by the Aurelian walls, even when the gate is closed.


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Architectural descriptive sheet


Piazza di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme - 00185 Roma (RM)

Pagina aggiornata il 27/06/2024